January 26, 2025

How Opioid Treatment Programs work

Opioid addiction occurs when an individual is unable to stop themselves from the urge of taking opioids. Opioid drugs are used as pain relief mediation. These drugs consist of morphine, opium, heroin, etc. many types of such drugs. In such conditions Opium Treatment Programs are the most helping factor. As per data every year more than 1 million opioid addiction cases get reported and the numbers are continuously increasing. The 19-60 is adversely affected age criteria.

Opioid-addiction drains a person financially it has an adverse effect on their physical as well as mental health.

These drugs produce artificial endorphins that help reduce pain along with that makes the body feel better. Too many opioids can cause the brain to become addicted to it.

How an individual gets addicted to Opioids

According to the Nationwide Survey 75% of opioid addiction begins with people who do not use drugs and pass them on to friends, family, relatives those who do not have sufficient knowledge about such drugs. Apart from this, some of the factors that lead to this addiction are:


Yes, addictions whether it is of durgs or any other habit also gets passed on to the younger generation from the older generation. If anyone in the family has been suffered from such addiction, then there are many possibilities that the new generation in that family can get addicted to opioids.

Anxiety and depression:

Anxiety and depression can make the person get attracted towards the use of opioids as a way to get rid of these afflictions.


After taking opioid an individual feels happy. when a person is going through with any kind of difficulty like stress, pressure they want to be happy. Once they get a happy feeling after use of opioids they want to feel it more and more. This feeling makes them to love opioids and take them to addiction.

Treatment of opioid addiction:

During the Opioid Treatment Programs, reactions of opioid are different for Different bodies. So to make a person free from addiction there is different kind of treatment available in all in one solution program.

Here we will discuss the therapy programs

Opioid replacement therapy (ORT): –as mentioned in name this therapy refers to replacement of opioids. If a person is using heroin they will replace it with less effective and addictive as well as longer life opioids.

This therapy help patient to reduce the effect of withdrawal symptoms and the severity of medications that bring stability to the patient.

 Behavioral Therapy: If we compare behavioral therapy to ORT therapy this therapy is less effective. It improves person’s mental health and changes their perception to look their life positively.

Opioid addiction shows withdrawal symptoms

Sweating, vomiting, Mood swings, shivering, Insomnia, Nausea, depression etc.

Delirium Tremens is a phase where the patient gets affected by such symptoms. This symptom in some cases caused death.

Initial phase of withdrawal symptoms begins after 10-12 hours of opioid consumption and can continue to 2-4 weeks

Whereas the second phase may last up to 2 years. That’s why it is strictly recommended that a patient and his family member has to be very cautious and should reduce the intake very slowly unless and until the patient gets free from opioid addiction solutions treatment center.