October 9, 2024


It has been many a times that you were in deep despair about some chewy omelets or failed meringues. Scrambled eggs that appear rubbery are really not worth having. Better worry not about this. From breakfast till dessert, the tips or tricks would help you in making sure to get the very best results no matter how many times you would eat.

Top tips for boiling eggs 

Boiling eggs does sound simple, isn’t it? But there goes a few tips or tricks that are to be carried out professionally which would make you get those very eggs spot on. You would be needing the eggs at a certain temperature. Do not use some big pan for they would end up jumping and too would crack. Bring about water for boiling and turn the simmer down gently. Add up the eggs with the help of a big spoon. Sim it for a minute. Take about seven minutes to set the egg white fully and to turn the yolk soft. For better results use oven timer.

Pro Tips for Poached Eggs

This process is actually pretty quick and easy. All what you need some fresh eggs along with a pan, no vinegar and whisking aren’t needed. Get your eggs in some room temperature. Use your frying pan and follow it by filling a couple of centimeters underneath the rim. Bring it for boiling and then sim it gently. Break eggs one by one and then tip it into the water. Take about two minutes for heating it up. Cover it and then leave for about 8 minutes. Remove it with a slotted spoon along with a kitchen towel under to drain. Then go for serving.

Hassle Free tips for Scrambled eggs

There are many people who ate scrambled eggs that appear rubbery in texture. This is not supposed to be the way of having such. Scrambled eggs always needed attention. You would also be able to make such eggs using Copper Chef Perfect Egg Maker. They really need to be cooked slowly. Beat the eggs and put salt as well as pepper both. Heat some butter into your pan and add them up. Stir it till they appear soft when it does become somewhat runny. Always remember that the eggs tend to get cooked when the heat has been taken off which is under cooked other than the over-cooked ones. It would take about 4-5 minutes to end up the whole process.

Brilliant Tips for Fried Eggs

Making eggs that are fried is needs some great frying. Make sure that the eggs are in your room temperature before you would fry them. The fat would be totally up to you but most people prefer butter. Heat up the fat for about 2tsp in some small pan so that the base gets covered. Crack the egg in some ramekin for making it slide in, set the egg, tilt and swirl your pan to make the egg not stick. Such fat helps in cooking the top. You too would also be able to use Copper Chef Perfect Egg Maker to make one. Remove it then with some fish slice after a minute and serve.

Making omelets have never been so easy!

Two to three eggs would make some omelet for a single person. It is better that you opt for two different omelets for two people to avoid getting overcooked. It would all depend upon a non-stick pan. Add some teaspoon of oil and turn up the simmer at its utmost. Beat all your eggs with the help of a fork and keep swirling the egg all around. When you would be left with a little amount of liquid. Fold up the omelet itself with some palette knife and tip it right away on the plate.